
Hey, How are you?

Welcome to my site!

“Nobody really cares if you’re miserable, so you might as well be happy.”– Cynthia Nelms

Hi! My name is Ashston. Yes, there is an extra ‘s’ it is not a typo! It is however still pronounced Ash- tun. I am originally from Memphis, TN. I am currently a senior at MTSU (Middle Tennessee State University). I now majoring in Interdisciplinary Media with a minor in Art.

 I was originally an Animation major before changing it two semesters ago. This last year has been super anxiety inducing for me. In my four years at MTSU I never thought that I would be graduating in a pandemic, but here I am. This website was made for a course that I am taking. I am trying my best to make this a wonderful experience for not only me but also viewers.

On this site I want to talk about things I am interested in and hopefully things other are interested in as well. I do not want to write about thing that are not exciting to me. I think that things would be disingenuous if I did not choose topics that actually mean something to me. I just want to make this the best possible site that I can, and hopefully I can accomplish that by the end of my course. 

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