Parham Itan (tales from beyond) Review

Parham Itan (Tales from Beyond) is a manga. A Manga is a Japanese comic. This manga is new it was published in 2020 by Kaili Sorano. Right now, the manga only has two volumes released physically, however there may be more volumes offered online. Parham Itan is a horror manga and rated thirteen plus.  

The first manga follows High schoolers Mikuni Yamagishi and Sendo. We first meet Yamagishi in the boxing club. The author sets his character up to be physically strong from the beginning. A few pages in we our second protagonist. Country bumpkin, Sendo bumps into Yamagishi in the school’s hall way. 

The two quickly become acquainted as they hurry to the dining hall. However, the pair never quite make it to the dining hall that night because they are attacked by a body snatching alien. Sendo and Yamagishi barely escape the monster after it attacks a gardener, who was trying to scold them for being out so late. After this traumatic event Yamagishi returns to normal trying to forget the attack from last night. Sendo, on the other hand is obsessed with all things paranormal. This causes a rift between the two boys. Which leads to Sendo stalking Yamagishi until he concedes and helps him to find answers about the events from the night before. 

The pair end up investigating the gardener that was attacked by the alien last night. On the way to finding the gardener they find him burying something. Yamagishi assumes that gardener is just doing his job, Sendo is more pessimistic and he believes that the gardener is burying the body from last night. The two end up getting caught by the alien. The alien then attacks them again, but they are saved by a mysterious man.  

This then leads to Sendo stalking this mysterious man. He drags Yamagishi into following the man back to a church, where they find the man dead. This further intrigues Sendo, whereas Yamagishi wants no part of the events unfolding. Yamagishi then starts to avoid Sendo at any cost until Sendo claims to see the mysterious man again after his death. They then track down the man which leads them into another dangerous situation.  

An old foe then appears and traps the trio in an alternate dimension to spite the mysterious man. The trio then must battle bug creatures and find a key to escape the trap. After many trials and near-death experiences, they eventually escape. The book then ends with the new foe walking away after seeing that the boys escaped. 

After reading the first book I was fired up to read the next. It offers a unique experience in the world of horror. There is this great balance between comedy and horror. You do not spend the whole manga gripped by fear. There is a more subtle approach to the genre. The manga utilizes mystery with brief spots of horror to keep readers interested.  

How to be a Stan

Stan is the combination of the word’s stalker and fan. The term was first coined by Eminem in the early 2000’s. While the word started with negative connotations, it is now used as slang on social media. To stan something just means to be a fan of someone. The important thing about being a stan is that you can start at any age.  

1.) The first thing you need to be a stan would be to have a hobby or a celebrity that you love. 

For example, lets choose Beyonce as are celebrity to stan. 

2.) After you pick a celebrity or hobby to stan You now need to do some basic research. 

If you stan something you should do some basic research to find out if that fandom is really for you.  Find out the basic interest or what charities they support. You don’t have to be a hard stan learning all facts just enough to hold a conversation about the fandom. 

An example of step two would be learning about Beyonce’s career. 

*A hard stan is someone who goes above and beyond to know every possible thing the can about their chosen celebrity or hobby. 

3.) You should spend time with fellow stans within your respective community. I think that finding people who like the same thing as you can be healing. You can solidify how you feel about certain things. 

Another Example would be talking about a favorite album by Beyonce with someone who also likes her. 

4.) Buying merch! Is a rite of passage in a fandom. Of course, buying specialized merch from your fandom doesn’t make any stan more superior than another, but buying merchandise feels so good. Buying merch and supporting your artist or hobby just feels great. You can wear your merch and meet other people who also like the same thing. You can also attract other people to the fandom, because they enjoy the particular thing you bought.  

5.) The fifth and final step to being a proper stan is attending a concert or convention. That’s right supporting your artist or hobby in person is the biggest stan move. Showing your active support is the best. You get to see other fans and enjoy your hobby together. What’s better than seeing the thing you have built an interest in up close and in person. 

These were just a few how to steps for stanning. I think that the stanning process is unique for everybody. There is no right way to stan something. Just be respectful and show your dedication to something!

The persecution of Lil Nas X

Lil Nas X recently released a new music video called, “Montero (Call Me By Your Name). The video depicts Lil Nas X being persecuted for who he loved. We see snaps of him being put on trialing and assumably dying. Lil Nas X then has the choice of going to heaven, but he chooses to go to hell. He then slides down a pole going to hell, where he meets the devil and eventually kills him. After the release of this video, we have seen many mixed reactions. Many people are enraged by him using his platform to promote, “devil worshiping,” to their children. Others are praising Nas for his creativity and the work he put into making such a showstopping video. While the video has garnered many different opinions, I personally do not think that Nas meant any harm to anybody when he released the video. My opinion is that he made a video that depicts his feelings towards his fame and the world that surrounds him. Before he came out as openly gay the masses loved him, and he lived peacefully. Similar to how he was at the start of the video. Then he came out and was persecuted and put on trial both in real life and in his music video. In my interpretations of the video, I think that the heaven and hell choice correlates to the public’s opinions of him. He can choose heaven and become the mediocre celebrity the masses want him to be, or he can choose hell. Now I do not think that the hell shown in the video is truly hell. I think that it represents Nas choosing his own way. He is showing all of the devout Christian that say that he will go to hell for being gay that he does not mind.  He is saying that I may go to hell, but it will be in my own way. This music video is one big show to tell the masses that he will choose his own path. That he will not bow to the standards that have been set by him. While the older generations may hate him, Nas is a legend for younger generations. He is giving youths the mindset that it is okay to be different that you can color outside the lines and still be true to who you are. Lis Nas X is giving us the creativity that the industry has been missing these last few years. He is inspiring people and opening doors for others like him. 

Tasteless Memes

Everyone loves memes but does everyone know how to use memes appropriately. Memes have been a big thing since the early 20th century. They have brought us tons of laughter, but many people have been ridiculed by memes. We as a society are quick to jump on new trends without thinking about the collateral damage that could be done. Memes are sent for a quick laugh but the people that are in the memes how do they feel? Memes have desensitized us. We only care about our own satisfaction and the joy we receive from memes. The truth is memes a can be hurtful. They are too open ended and left up to the interpretation of the person receiving the meme. Some memes can also be made in terrible taste.

Three places to geek out in Murfreesboro

Local places to let your geek out. 

Everybody has a favorite hobby whether its music, comic books, or manga. You might be like me and dabble in a little bit of everything. One thing for sure you will never leave these stores empty handed. If your new to Murfreesboro here are a few stores that specialize in everything from vinyl to manga. 

1.) The Great Escape 

The Great Escape is a local haunt of mine. The store is a little rinky dinky, but it offers some great finds. The shop has an extensive comic book collection that constantly updates. There is also a vinyl section that offers anything from Led Zepplin to Marina and the diamonds. The Great escape also sells posters.  

They have posters from all walks of popular culture, and if music and comics isn’t your jam, they also sell games. The offer old games and accessories that are compatible with things like the game boy and the Nintendo GameCube. The store offers a hodge podge of different items. It will be impossible to leave without making a purchase they have something for everyone. 

2.) K-pop n more 

K-pop n more is the next stop on this geek out. This store is not located in Murfreesboro, but it is twenty minutes away from the MTSU campus. The store specializes in K-pop and… more. The shop is housed located in a picturesque neighborhood, so it is a little tricky to spot. The boutique offers newly releases K-pop albums.  

They also sell light sticks and other merchandise for many popular Korean groups. I’m sure your curious what the more in the name stands for. It stands for anime. Yes! There is a secret backroom that houses rare products from animes. The store offers posters K-pop and anime. 

3.) Books a million 

I know that the last place is a little mundane when compared to the other two, but the Books a million stores offer a lot of great things. I mostly go to the stores on unplanned raids, but I never leave empty handed. I know that reading isn’t exactly everybody’s favorite thing. However, the store offers more than books. They offer official merchandise from many different fandoms. They also have a huge manga collection and many other genres. Their graphic novel section is also very cool. Books a million is an organized chaos that never fails to pull you in it also offers a great rewards program. 

I know that we are all trying to return to normal, but until then we can hole away and indulge in are hobbies. I hope that with this list you can find new places to explore and new things to keep the boredom away in your quaranstay.  

Is Virtual Reality our new reality?

A great new price for unlimited fun 

A new gaming experience with high resolutions 

The Covid pandemic has left many people stranded at home and bored out of their minds. Which has led to an increase in online shopping for things to keep them busy. Everything from Nintendo switches to board games have been bought out to keep families busy, but the biggest winner of the pandemic boredom games has been the Oculus system. The Oculus headset allows viewers to experience the world without venturing out into risky open spaces. The Oculus VR system has seen much growth and is being expanded to be compatible with social media. Facebook is the biggest supporter of this technology. The VR system needs a Facebook log on in order to work so it’s easy to see why the social media site is pushing for more exposure for the Oculus system.

The oculus is moving social media into a whole new realm. Instead communicating through a screen, you can now virtually meet people through you Oculus system. Prescence is the new way to communicate. As a social media user, you can now build relationships with people across the world and meet face to face. This also opens a while new world for content creators and brands. Content creators can communicate with their followers easier. Brands can also recruit brand ambassadors faster. Why fly someone out to L.A. to discuss a deal that might fall through. With Oculus the company can meet the prospect influencers without wasting a single penny.  

The Oculus has unlimited potential. The cheapest system runs about $299, which can seem steep but when compared to Apple’s prices its fairly cheap. The system was originally $399, but with the updated system dropping the price for the first Oculus has dropped. The device is user friendly and easy to use. It offers great updated specs that makes it gaming more realistic. 

While the Oculus is great and will be an asset to consumers there are some drawbacks. I think that the system is useful, but it makes the whole social experience seem cold. Talking to people across the world is great, but what about the experiences of talking to people right outside your door? Gen Z is already standoffish when it comes to meeting new people, and way too addicted to social media already. So, I worry what impact devices will have on communication later in the future.  

Oculus VR seems like another product that big business wants to market, but not think about the repercussions it could have in the future. During pandemic times this device is a godsend, but will it be a hinderance for generation to come. The Oculus can connect us, but also separate us even more than we already are. The VR experience has already taken and is thriving. It offers consumers a great viewing experience and high-quality sound at a reasonable price. The device has already connected thousands of people virtually. 

A Show Worth Binge Watching

A truly original show 

A 2020 Nominee for the Music and sound award, UK 

RWBY is my favorite show of the week and here’s why.  The animated show follows a girl named Ruby and her friends through the world of Remnant. The four girls want to become Huntresses and protect the world.  The main four are loosely based on Grimm fairytales. Each character is based on a fairytale, or an historical figure.  

I spent this week binging RWBY, and it has been an emotional roller coaster. The show is short, and each episode is about twenty-two minutes long. The seasons are not that big compared to other shows. Most seasons take about an hour to watch. With that being said, RWBY starts very mundane.  

The first season is spent following the main protagonist and watching her solidify friendships. After really getting into the show and doing some research, I found out that the creators had a very limited budget first season. So, they wanted to save money by focusing on a school environment for the main character instead of having multiple environments.  

The season is used to explain the lore of the series. We get small glimpses of backstories, but they don’t really take off until the second season. I think the show is captivating. It has a lot of lore that has not been explored in other shows. There are also interesting story lines that have lots of twist and turns.  

The character designs are also very creative. The RWBY creators do a very good job at creating intricate characters. Each character has a specific color scheme and weapons. No main character is the same. It’s fun to see constant new characters with their own unique traits. 

While RWBY does have a lot of creative prowess, it does leave a lot to be desired with the plot lines. Yes, they’re creative and fresh, but with there being so many plots and constant characters, writers seem to forget things. From binging the show, it was easy to see where the writers completely forgot plot lines or made quick edits to try to fit in plots that were useless to the story. 

The original creator died, and I think that the studio is doing its best to stay within his vision. Monty was a very carefree and spontaneous man. He didn’t have a master plan for the show, and now the studio is trying to piece his masterpiece together. The show is currently on season eight with two more seasons to go. The studio wants to end the show in the tenth season, but right now I don’t see how that is remotely possible. There is too much plot to cover in two seasons. The only way I see them ending RWBY in time would be longer episodes or seasons. 

I have enjoyed the show very much. The characters were easy to connect to and had enjoyable personalities. I think that with the millions of characters featured on the show, it would be hard for anyone to not have a favorite character. So far, I think that my favorite characters are Ren and Nora. I really enjoy their dynamics. Ren is cool headed while Nora is a wild child. The two have a very yin and yang feeling for me.  

While I enjoy Ren and Nora, I also really like a character named Oscar. He has had a lot of personal growth to me. He went from being a scared child to accepting his part in a role that he never really asked for. Oscar also receives a lot of hate from the other characters for things that he had no control of. Another plot mistake I think that the writers made. They basically villainized a fourteen-year-old. 

I may have not been in the RWBY fandom for long, but the show has brought a lot of joy to me this past week. I think the creator, Monty Oum, was a true visionary. He brought this unique world to life and has been rewarded with love from millions of fans. I hope that this studio can continue to create unique and visually stunning shows in the future. RWBY is the best! 

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