Tasteless Memes

Everyone loves memes but does everyone know how to use memes appropriately. Memes have been a big thing since the early 20th century. They have brought us tons of laughter, but many people have been ridiculed by memes. We as a society are quick to jump on new trends without thinking about the collateral damage that could be done. Memes are sent for a quick laugh but the people that are in the memes how do they feel? Memes have desensitized us. We only care about our own satisfaction and the joy we receive from memes. The truth is memes a can be hurtful. They are too open ended and left up to the interpretation of the person receiving the meme. Some memes can also be made in terrible taste.

Published by an9w8

I am currently a Senior attending Middle Tennessee State University. I am an Interdisciplinary Media major.

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